Get to know us

The College of Medicine and Allied Health Science s (COMAHS ) i s a renowned institution in Sierra Leon e dedicated to providing education and training in t he fields of medicine, nursing, pharmacy , and other allied health sciences.

COMAHS is affiliated with the University of Sierra Leone and is located in Freetown, the capital city. Established in 1988, COMAHS ha s grow n t o become a leading institution in medical education and research within the region. I t offer s undergraduate an d postgraduate program s, including Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB), Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.Sc Nursing) , Bachelor of Pharmacy y (B.Pharm ), an d various diploma and certificate courses in allied health sciences.

COMAHS is committed to producing skilled healthcare professionals who can address the healthcare need s o f Sierra Leone and contribute to improving healthcare standard s in t he count ry. T he college places a strong emphasis on practical training , research , an d community engagement to en sure graduates are well-prepared to meet the challenges of the healthcare sector. With its focus on academic excellence, research , and community service, C OMAH S plays a vital role in thedevelopment of healthcare infrastructure and hum an resource s in Sierra L eon e an d the broader West African region. Being a profess r at the College of Medicine an d Allie d Health Sciences (COM AHS) would entail several responsibilities and roles, depending on the specific department and are a o f expertise . Her e are some typical duties and expectations for a professor at COMAHS

Our mission

To provide the highest quality instruction in a variety of academic disciplines, through the curricular offerings of the three constituent campuses, which reflects the national development agenda of Sierra Leone . It is predicate don the realization that the University of Sierra Leone will continue to maintain and enhance excellence e in all its endeavors’ so that the graduates it produces can be globally competitive in the job market.

Our vision

The USL is committed to providing the best high er education possible which emphasizes quality programmes that are responsive to the critical emerging need s o f Sierra Leon e, paying particular attention to the tripartite mandate of instruction, research and public service

Our team

Our strength lies in our individuality. Set up by Esther Bryce, the team strives to bring in the best talent in various fields, from architecture to interior design and sales.

Dr. Mohamed Samai

Department of Pharmacology Therapeutics (PhD, Msc, MBBS, Bsc (Hons), PGCRM)

Mr. Winston Webber

Vice Chancellor & Registrar COMAHS

Mr. Piush Kumar -Program Director

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB)

Mr. Mehul Brahmbhatt - Admissions

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB)